Thursday 17 July 2008

Our second academic excursion

Yesterday we had our second academic excursion.
It started near the Tower of London and we ended up at the HMS Belfast.

Before we had to wait for our coach about half an hour. After we could finally go on the bus I instantly tried to sleep. Unfortunately it didn't work.

One and a half hours later we arrived at London and we visited a memorial near the Tower of London.
Our blue guide Reg showed us another side of London and afterwards we had a lot of new impressions. Furthermore we saw the street in which the Great Fire of London started in 1666 and we visited plague memorials and a church.

At lunchtime we had- like on all the excursions- a "delicious" sandwich, an apple, a KitKat and plain water.

With empty stomachs and very tired we visited the HMS Belfast.
I really liked it but although I spent about one and a half hours on the boat I don't know much about it.
Benedikt and I were faced with a little adventure. An Austrian boy "lost" - in fact his parents let him stay on the boat on his own - his parents. The security men on the boat asked us to translate the things they wanted to tell him.

After all that I was very tired and therefore I had no porblems to sleep on the bus!

1 comment:

anthony said...

Wow, London, what a beautiful city, i'm always dream to be there